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Version: 1.19


This tutorial will guide you on how to use a private registry in DockerHub, its necessary credentials, and how to use it with Okteto.

The steps to do it are:

  1. Create User with access to DockerHub
  2. Get User credentials
  3. Add your credentials to Okteto

Step 1: Create a User with access to DockerHub

Go to your page and follow these steps:

  • Account Settings → Security
  • New Access Token
  • Give it a Name and Read-only Permissions

Step 2: Get User Credentials

When you create the Access Token, you will get the password to use.

DockerHub example credentials

In this example, the login USERNAME and PASSWORD we will be using are:

  • mnevadom
  • password

Step 3: Configure Okteto with these credentials

The access to the Private Registry in Dockerhub is defined by:

  • URL: the default registry should be:
  • user:${USERNAME}
  • password:${PASSWORD}

👉 Follow our Registry Credentials Documentation for further information on adding your credentials to Okteto.